Can You Handle the Truth? – Sagittarius Full Moon May 29 2018

Questioning the self-shaming inner voice

The Book of Spells - recognizing the self-shaming inner voices in the head are not yours!

One of the most valuable habits I’ve developed from the Book of Spells webinars is questioning the self-shaming inner voice statements I hear myself saying (or thinking).

Listen to these statements:

  • “I’m still beating myself up for that.”
  • “I wanted to play my guitar but I kept sabotaging myself.”
  • “Every time I get ready to ______, I just ‘should’ on myself. I stop myself in my tracks.”

Chances are you say the same or similar things – out loud or in your head – fairly often. But are these true statements?

Sagittarius tells us that if we know the truth, the truth will set us free.

The current 18-month period of eclipses in Leo-Aquarius aims to awaken us to our inner divinity. Since the nodes are the ‘trigger points’ for eclipses, the trine between today’s Sagittarius Full Moon and the North Node in Leo signals a creative opportunity to take another step in your own awakening. Continue reading

My Journey from Identity to Essence

Seeing through the false reality and embodying the Authentic Self

Journey from Identity to Essence - Embodying the Authentic Self

For most of my life, I believed I was a flawed, weak, neurotic self who had to work hard, be spiritual, and overcome my defects. Why? So that one day I would finally be good enough to have my dreams come true.

Then one day, in the process of reluctantly – yet again! – going into my body to clear some painful, stuck energy, I experienced a profound insight.

I actually saw my life from the point of view of my consciousness sitting inside my “flawed self.” From that perspective “my ideal Self” seemed like another person, somewhere off in the future.

DK Brainard - Feeling the feels. Photo by Julie Jaycox.

Feeling the feels. Photo by Julie Jaycox.

For so long I had searched for the the right spiritual formula. If I could just find the best form of meditation, overcome my addictions, harness my desires (or make enough money or have enough success?), I could finally become that self.

In an instant, I felt  the truth: my ideal Self is who I really am, who I always have been. The suffering, “not quite good enough” self? That’s just my identity.

I saw that my identity is an illusion, a shell I created in childhood to try to win love and approval and avoid pain and suffering. All my life, I had accepted my identity, my personality, as the real me.

When the Shell Starts to Crack Open

You probably already know that for many years I wrote weekly and monthly horoscope columns. They were read by thousands of people around the world. I had astrology and coaching clients on every continent but Antarctica.

I became far more successful as an astrologer than I ever could have imagined when I started out. But one day I woke up and realized I wasn’t happy. I was starting to fake it – I just didn’t feel the juice, the enthusiasm I used to any more. At the same time, my income was steadily shrinking. I drove myself to work harder, to try harder. But nothing seemed to work.

Finally, I admitted the frightening truth to myself: Continue reading

Courageous Empaths: Apply Within

This Could Be Your Missing Puzzle Piece

  • Are you an empath or sensitive?
  • Do you have a persistent dream of what your life is meant to be?
  • Have you been working on yourself for years and years but still feel like something is blocking you from your real life?
  • Are you constantly giving to other people but can’t seem to give to yourself?
  • Do you struggle to set healthy boundaries with others?
  • Do you often feel guilty when you do make time for yourself or spend money on yourself?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed and oppressed by what is going on in the world and wish you could make a real difference?

The time is now for those of us who are sensitive, empathic, creative and kind to stand for who we are and for the world we believe in.

We are called to reclaim our inner authority. This means learning to accept and honor our needs, not continually “working on ourselves” while we settle for scraps.

This means learning to trust and honor our desires rather than suppressing them to avoid conflict.

It means seeing through the stories we were given in childhood, such as that acting on our desires will hurt those who supposedly love us.

Most of the stories we have believed about ourselves and about the world are false. They are merely clever and convenient control mechanisms designed to enable other beings to suck your life energy and use it to further their agenda of misery and suffering for all.

Seeing ‘Reality’ for what it really is means seeing yourself for who you really are. Which is SO much more than who you were made to think you are.

The parasites are clever but their power over you is based on one thing and one thing only: your belief that their lies are actually your thoughts.

Connecting with likeminded people who are committed to seeing through the false ‘reality’ story is KEY. We need each other to help us stay awake.

We start a new six-week Book of Spells webinar on Sunday, March 25. We have six four places left in the group. Sign up here:

Register: The Book of Spells: Who Do You Think You Are?!

book of spells who do you think you are webinar

The Real You, Hiding in the Shadows

Who you think you are is probably not who you really are…

by Safiya

I’ve been crocheting a lot lately. It’s like a meditation, the repetitive back and forth, seemingly never ending rows growing and forming, something taking shape from nothing. It’s a miracle to turn a ball of string into a piece of fabric, a fabric that is basically holes held together with knots of yarn.

I just made a curtain. I’m in love with it! I fall in love with everything I make. I can’t believe I’m able to do it and I fall in love so often that I’m overrun with stuff I’ve made.   This is the making of a great modern fairy tale:  the girl who fell in love with everything she makes and ends up surrounded by her handiwork and unable to leave her home, only to be rescued by a handsome prince who arrives on a white horse clutching  a pair of scissors to cut her out of her predicament.

Continue reading

Why crafting our own narrative matters more now than ever

Social media seduction

I talk about this in my most recent podcast, but this 13-minute Guardian interview is worth watching to understand how unscrupulous marketers are influencing us through Facebook harvesting and micro-targeting.

Whistleblower Christopher Wylie claims that Cambridge Analytica used apps developed by a Cambridge University professor that enjoyed “special permissions” from Facebook. Meaning that If one of your friends signed up for one of these apps, the app had permission to harvest data from all of your friends’ friends – including your status updates and even private messages.

I also found it fascinating that Cambridge Analytica employs teams of writers, designers, and other creatives to create entire blogs and websites to lend the appearance of legitimacy to what you are fed on Facebook. Entire fake histories written just for you!

Want to take back your story? Join us now for Who Do You Think You Are?! A mind-expanding exploration into the untapped resources of your multidimensional Self.


The legend of Jimbo

Tapping into your inner genius

In her What’s In A Name? post Safiya asked, Do you like your given name?

I don’t ever remember liking mine.

My given first name, Daryl, means ‘beloved’ according to the name dictionaries. That’s beautiful, and I am beloved. I like the way my given name looks in print, with its fairly unusual spelling (vs Darrell or Darryl). But it never seemed to fit me.

Maybe it’s because my dad gave it to me. My dad and I have a good relationship now, but things were so rocky between him and my mom, he was gone by the time I turned three years old. Obviously I don’t remember a lot of that time, but I didn’t have many fond associations with him when I was growing up.

Whatever the reasons, I was already trying to change my name by the time I was five or six years old. I had narrowed down my career options to detective, explorer, fighter pilot, or cowboy by then. I was always trying to get my mom to call me Pete or Bob, which I thought were good cowboy names. Continue reading

What’s In A Name?

Exploring yOur (inherited) identity

by Safiya

hello my name is?

Years ago, a girl who worked in my office announced one day that from now on she wanted to be known by a new name. I thought, how strange! It was very confusing and I never quite got used to it. Then a few years later I was given a new name.

The one thing that identifies us most specifically in this world is probably the thing we think the least about: our name.

What’s in a name, anyway?  Continue reading

Claim Your Greatness

Beyond the Ego – This Is No Time for Playing Small

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why it’s important for those of us who are on the leading edge of human social evolution to claim our greatness. I think so many of us who are healers and artists have been outcasts from mainstream society for so long that we’ve developed some bad habits.

New webinar starts March 25!

Even as kids, many of us sensed that the others didn’t quite understand us. We often faced outright rejection and abuse from parents, peers, and partners because of our unwillingness (or inability) to be like the others – to be who we were supposed to be.

“When are you going to stop (playing your guitar, drawing, writing stories, doing yoga, talking about that woo-woo shit)?” They’d ask, in a tone that made sure you knew that your passion was not only not going to make you enough money to live, but was also inherently shameful and embarrassing.

“Why do you have to be so weird?” Continue reading

Beyond the Pain Body, Into Light

How Seeing the Truth Can Set Us Free

dancer light streaming in

Mercury and the Sun are transmitting a powerful stream of cosmic light and love information to help us see the truth.

I was blown away by John Sandbach’s degree symbols for the Sun in Sagittarius today. Especially the symbols for 22 Sagittarius (see below) — which encapsulate the work we’ve been doing to rewrite our life stories in the Book of Spells group.

We are operating from the premise that most (if not all) of the self-sabotaging, destructive, and shame-based patterns we find within ourselves are not ours. They were implanted in us (as part of the trip of being born on Earth at this time) by the parasitic forces that have enslaved humanity for centuries in order to feed themselves on our pain and negative emotions.

The more we fully realize that our pain and our problems are caused by our belief in and adherence to a narrative that is not true, the more quickly we can reclaim our inner authority and create the life we desire. Continue reading