The 2018 Starts With a Super Moon Podcast

In with a bang! The Grand Trine Super Moon in Cancer, Saturn, Uranus Direct and more…

The 9 of Poetry (Powers) card from the William Blake Tarot

The 9 of Poetry (Powers) card from the William Blake Tarot of the Creative Imagination.

2018 begins where 2017 left off, with high intensity and healing intent as the first of two Super Moons in January lights up the night on New Year’s Day.

The Cancer Full Moon (9:24 pm EST USA) also makes a Grand Trine with Neptune in Pisces and Mars/Jupiter in Scorpio. (See chart below)

Note: In the podcast, I mixed up the Capricorn New Moon on Jan. 15 with the Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on Jan. 31. The lunar eclipse will also be a Super Moon.

2018 promises to be at least as dynamic, disruptive and  upsetting to the status quo as 2017 was. Why is this cause for optimism? Because all of the spiritual work you’ve done until now can help us save the world – if you can embrace this central paradox:

In 2018, we are called to take meaningful action to answer the political, economic and social chaos in the world. The most meaningful action we can take is being who we really are and acting on our deepest desires.

Listen to the podcast



As discussed on the pod:

Hare in the Moon Astrology Weekly Forecast

John Sandbach’s Omega and Chandra symbols:

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Cancer Full Moon Grand Trine Jan 1 2018

Live performance of planetary mantra to Mercury

Mercury Stations Direct Conjunct the Great Attractor – December 22, 2017

Watch me create a live performance of planetary mantra to Mercury starting at the moment he stations direct. Also, the down-low on how to work with the Trickster/messenger as he sweeps back over the Great Attractor and Galactic Center between now and Jan. 13. Plus Venus conjunct the Galactic Center and more.

Update 12/24/2017: If you’d like to listen to a higher-fidelity version of the song without the squeaks and pops in the video, I edited the original audio file in Ableton Live and uploaded it to Sound Cloud. (If you enjoy it, please click on theLike buttonbutton!)

Beyond the Pain Body, Into Light

How Seeing the Truth Can Set Us Free

dancer light streaming in

Mercury and the Sun are transmitting a powerful stream of cosmic light and love information to help us see the truth.

I was blown away by John Sandbach’s degree symbols for the Sun in Sagittarius today. Especially the symbols for 22 Sagittarius (see below) — which encapsulate the work we’ve been doing to rewrite our life stories in the Book of Spells group.

We are operating from the premise that most (if not all) of the self-sabotaging, destructive, and shame-based patterns we find within ourselves are not ours. They were implanted in us (as part of the trip of being born on Earth at this time) by the parasitic forces that have enslaved humanity for centuries in order to feed themselves on our pain and negative emotions.

The more we fully realize that our pain and our problems are caused by our belief in and adherence to a narrative that is not true, the more quickly we can reclaim our inner authority and create the life we desire. Continue reading

Mercury Retrograde, Saturn Enters Capricorn, and Deep Space Astrology in December 2017

Fermi Giant Bubble Galactic Center

Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in Our Galaxy, NASA.

Seeing the Big Picture

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – Jesus, voicing the core energetic of Sagittarius

December brings a rare confluence of astrological alignments that can liberate us from the false narratives that have entrapped us, and empower us to author the life stories we deserve to live.

In this post, I’ll look at Saturn’s shift out of Sagittarius and into his home sign of Capricorn¹. I’ll explain why this Mercury Retrograde is one you don’t want to ignore. And I’ll look at how the Galactic Center and Great Attractor – two supermassive black holes / gamma ray transmitters located in alignment with Sagittarius – are conspiring with the planets to liberate us this month.

Mercury Retrograde Conjunct Saturn and the Galactic Center

Mercury is the archetype of the mind. Mercury retrograde periods always introduce mental discontinuity. By disrupting our habitual thought processes, the Trickster forces us to see things from a different vantage point. This is frustrating and sometimes painful, but it gives us the opportunity to correct faulty habits of mind that have taken hold in the area of life symbolized by the signs and houses activated by the Mercury retrograde.

Because the December 2017 Mercury retrograde began with Mercury in a tight conjunction with Saturn, this retrograde will carry a Saturnian vibe. Positively, this can help us review the progress we’ve made while Saturn was in Sagittarius and mentally prepare ourselves to meet the challenges and opportunities of Saturn in Capricorn from 2018-2020. Continue reading

Astrology of #Me Too: Black Moon Lilith & the Galactic Center

Sex, Lies and Story: Harvey Weinstein and the #MeToo Phenomenon

A black leopard under the full moon - symbol for the Oct. 19 Libra New Moon.

A black leopard under the full moon – symbol for the Oct. 19 Libra New Moon.

If you’ve heard me talking about Black Moon Lilith and have been wondering who she is and what she means, look no further. The amazing outpouring of women’s stories on social media following the news about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct paint an amazing portrait of Black Moon Lilith in conjunction with the Galactic Center. 

Black Moon Lilith & the Healing Power of Anger

Black Moon Lilith (BML) is the astrological archetype that symbolizes the healthy anger that is the appropriate response to abuse of women, and of the feminine principle in life.

When Black Moon Lilith activates a natal planet, especially by conjunction, she creates an intense internal pressure to recognize and express the anger we should have been able to feel and express at times when we were violated by others who were bigger, stronger, more powerful, or simply had the weight of authority on their side. Continue reading

Aries Full Moon: The Clampdown

What Are We Gonna Do Now?

The collective grief and angst have felt crushing. Las Vegas. Puerto Rico. Venezuela. Plus all the ongoing crap. We empaths have been feeling it, big-time. (Get inspired with my Aries Full Moon playlist and mashup poem.)

Life feels really dangerous these days. So many people are walking around in a zombie trance, ready to lash out at the slightest provocation. They’re so cut off from their feelings, they can’t (won’t) allow themselves to stop and feel what’s happening inside. The only way they know how to deal is by hurting someone, anyone, to make themselves feel a little less pain.

So what are we gonna do now? Well, we have to feel the grief. That’s the only way to allow grief to move out of the body. You’ve got to stop and feel it. That sucks. No fun. But necessary.

But there’s feeling the grief. And then there’s allowing the Parasites to use the collective grief to control you, to keep you small and weak and manageable. And that’s exactly the favored strategy of these non-human entities that are orchestrating the pathetic string of tragedies crowding the world stage.

This is the time, people. The world is cracking open. We knew this was going to happen. In fact, this moment is the reason we chose to incarnate again. This is the time we’ve been waiting for our whole lives.

So, please. Feel what you need to feel. But realize that – unless you personally know someone who was killed or injured in Las Vegas, in the Caribbean, in Houston, in Venezuela – you are only responsible for feeling your own grief.

Know that you are not grieving on behalf of the victims of whichever tragic event you’ve been tuned in to. You don’t know those people.

You are grieving for yourself. And that is a very good, and long overdue, thing to do.

What Grief Is Good For

In her enlightening book The Language of Emotions, Karla McLaren writes:

Grief will come forward in response to death, the end of a love relationship, the irretrievable loss of your health or well-being….Grief will also arise in response to never having had something we’re all supposed to take for granted, such as health, strength, security, or a happy childhood. Grief enables you to survive losses by immersing you in the deep river that flows underneath all life.

So please. Be aware that what you are mourning is your own suffering, all of the needless pain and abuse and struggle and self-harm and betrayal and broken promises you’ve had to endure to show up for this moment. Until we grieve those losses, we can never be fully empowered.

We tend to find it very difficult to allow ourselves to be immersed by grief in McLaren’s “river of the soul.” Paradoxically, once we’re there it can be a strangely comforting and comfortable place to be. When we’re grief-stricken, nothing is expected of us. We don’t have to pick ourselves up off the deck and find the courage to fight for a better world.

This is where the Parasitic entities are applying much of their strength at the moment. They want to seduce us into over-identification with ‘victims’ we’ve never met until we ourselves become the victims. Inert passengers on the river of grief, we “stare straight into nothing and we call it all the same.”

Ready to clear out the mind parasite and reconnect with your soul power? I’m offering 30- and 60-minute personal evolution astrology readings in October at throwback prices. This is an astoundingly valuable resource – for new and returning clients alike.

How To Change the World = You Be You

As today’s Aries Full Moon energizes Pluto in Capricorn (the death and rebirth of global society), it also asks us to notice what we are passionate about. As opposed to what we think we should do in order to keep things nice and in balance (mental sign Libra, where the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are currently in transit).

Aries Full Moon October 5 2017

Aries is the sign in search of an authentic identity – which can only be found by trial and error. Aries says, “I may not be right, but this is what I have to do.”  In taking risks and following its own personal inspiration, Aries eventually learns the truth of the old cliche that “it’s about the journey, not the destination.”

It’s perfectly OK to fail, as long as you’re failing authentically. And if you keep on being you and acting on those soul impulses that make you the unique, once-in-lifetime expression of the Life Force that you are, you’ll eventually find that you’ve succeeded. The Full Moon is also energizing last week’s Jupiter-Uranus opposition in Libra-Aries, a powerful aspect that has been trying to liberate us since last December.

Perhaps more importantly, in light of what’s happening in the world right now, you’ll be a vital part of the solution. Because the old power and control systems depend completely on you not waking up and realizing that the world wants nothing more than for you to be you. And for me to be me.

The illusion of the old world is cracking and peeling away before our very eyes. Now is the time to gather our forces, unite in our common cause, and create the world we want to live in.

And just to be super-clear: We don’t change the world by engaging in battle with the oppressors and their minions.

We change the world by reclaiming our own power and agency and stepping into more of what fuels – and shares – our joy.

P.S. I’m not saying we should ignore people who need our help. What I am saying is that energetically-drained martyrs are extremely limited in the amount of good they can offer.

Energize Your Intentions With These Brainwave & Hypnosis MP3s

New Moon, New Energy

You’ve probably read a million astrology forecasts stating that “the New Moon is the perfect time to set your intentions for what you want to attract into your life.” I used to believe that, too. But as I’ve become more tuned in to the rhythms of the lunar cycle, I’ve found it’s not usually true for me.

Now I try to use the low energy days leading up to the exact moment of the New Moon to go within and discover which patterns or people or activities have run their course: What do I want or need to let go from my life?

I’ve found that the week directly after the New Moon is actually more propitious for intention-setting and visualization of what I want to create or attract into my life.

I spent so many years with headphones on, either listening to or creating hypnosis and brainwave entrainment MP3s, I think I needed to take a break! But people have been asking me to make these available again. So I’ve added two more brainwave entrainment MP3s and a dual-hypnosis MP3 to my audio meditation store page.

Manifesting & Intention-Setting Audio Downloads

I’ve continued to listen to Dolphins of Sirius B down through the years. The music and sounds for this track were given to me by my Star Tribe; I can still remember the feeling of sitting in front of the keyboard and trying to recreate the sounds I was hearing. And it seems especially appropriate to re-release now, in light of my recent Venus experience.

But I hadn’t listened to Theta Fishing Trip. I kept thinking I should do, because so many people told me it was their favorite track out of all the brainwave entrainment audios I created. But you know how it is listening to your own voice.

Well, last week I  went back and listened to it. And it kind of blew me away. I forgot that I had learned how to hypnotize people into feeling that relaxed.

If you don’t already own these and you’re ready to feel amazingly relaxed while programming your subconscious to bring you more of the life you want, check ’em out.


Unleash Your Inner Weirdo: Aquarius Lunar Eclipse Aug 7 2017

Aquarius Lunar Eclipse Video

Can the August 7, 2017 Aquarius Lunar Eclipse really help us rise above the negativity and chaos in society? Yeah, baby – with a little help from its friends Jupiter and Saturn.

By the way, – I often find that John Sandbach’s degree symbols bring an extra measure of clarity. Here’s his writing on the degree of Monday’s lunar eclipse (16 Aquarius):

Two Astrology Videos on Donald Trump and the Leo Solar Eclipse

Is the ‘Great American Eclipse’ the end of the line for Trump presidency?

The total solar eclipse in Leo on Aug. 21, 2017 makes a nearly exact conjunction with Donald Trump’s Ascendant. In the first video I explore the Leo eclipse in Trump’s chart and why I believe this eclipse marks the beginning of the end for Trump as U.S. President:

In Part 2 of my series on the Aug. 21, 2017 Leo solar eclipse, I explore the degree symbols for Donald Trump’s Ascendant. In astrology the Ascendant (or rising sign and degree) represents the persona or the mask the person wears on the stage of life. What you learn in this video might just change your mind about America’s current (but for how long?) president:

I’ll be looking much deeper into all of this (and much more, including the USA’s upcoming Pluto return) in my 5-week webinar Trumpstrology: The Astrology of Current Affairs. The webinar starts Wednesday, Aug. 2 and there are still a few places open. Register or get more info here.

 Image credits:


The Astrology of Current Affairs

Gaining even a basic understanding of how the world changes under different outer planet cycles — such as Saturn’s shift from Sagittarius into Capricorn in January — can empower you to align your actions and intentions with the prevailing energy in the Cosmos.

In this five-week webinar, we’re going to explore some ‘big picture astrology’ so you can understand what’s happening on the world stage and learn how these larger cycles affect you personally.

How Eclipses & Outer Planet Cycles Work

The course will feature a mix of exposition and interactive exploration. In each class I’ll use charts for current or upcoming events to illustrate astrology concepts and demonstrate techniques. Then we’ll explore further based on your questions and insights.

Among the topics we’ll explore in this class:


  • The Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017 and how it impacts the chart of Donald Trump
  • How do I understand an eclipse in relationship to my natal chart?
  • What’s the difference between solar and lunar eclipses?
  • The Flavor of the Season: Solstice and Other Ingress Charts

Outer Planet Cycles

  • Outer planet cycles in the natal chart: the Pluto square, Saturn return, and Uranus opposition
  • The World Chart: How outer planet cycles correlate to global political, economic, and social change
  • The chart for the United States (and country charts in general)
  • Chiron in Aries (2018-2026)
  • Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2023)
  • Saturn-Pluto (2019-2020)

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