The Big One – Total Lunar Eclipse Aquarius Conjunct Mars July 27 2018

The Good News (Did You Know Mother Earth Loves You?)

The Naked Songwriter Podcast #29

Aquarius lunar eclipse astrology podcast July 27 2018 Mars retrograde Mercury retrograde

This may not be “the” Big One, but it’s big. The blood moon total lunar eclipse at 4 Aquarius 44 on Friday, July 27 is tightly conjunct Mars and square Uranus in Taurus. It’s also conjunct the USA’s South Node, indicating a time of karma coming due for the United States.

(The eclipse, which is supposed to be the longest lunar eclipse in 100 years, will not be visible in the USA but should be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.)

If we project all the bad news of the last two years onto this eclipse, it’s pretty easy to conjure up some dire disaster scenarios. So…what do we do? Is there anything we can do?

Yes, there is. It requires a leap of faith. It may require unplugging a couple devices. But it’s a solution based in Reality, not the illusions we are being sold by the parasite-infested overlords of the degraded reality (and likely by some of the people closest to you).


Hey there! If you like the podcast, I’m passionate about helping creatives, healers and visionaries see through the big illusion, tap into their soul power and create a new reality. I’m listener-supported: I make my living writing, singing, teaching, and creating. Here are some ways you can join me in imagining and bringing into being the kind of world you and I prefer to live in:

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Transformational coaching packages:

 The Book of Spells  – This powerful self-guided webinar series will show you how to liberate yourself from the collective ‘reality game’ and become the author of your own reality.

Become your own astrologer with my comprehensive, self-study astrology course: Foundations of Astrology – Understanding Your Birth Chart

Last, but not least, my virtual tip jar welcomes your virtual cash!



The Breakup of Linear Time

Opportunities in Chaos: The Naked Songwriter Podcast #28

Disruptions in linear time can lead to profound restructuring of your worldThis summer looks like a grind, with the Mars retrograde, three eclipses, more super moons, and Mercury retrograde later in July.

But we are also experiencing the disruption of linear time, introducing profound moments of discontinuity that can facilitate evolutionary quantum leaps. If you’re prepared to take advantage….

Read more about the Mars retrograde here: The Summer of ??? Dealing with Mars Retrograde in Aquarius

Listen to the podcast:



The Pleasure Revolution – Gemini New Moon 2018

Debunking the Myth of Sacrifice with Corin Grillo – The Naked Songwriter Podcast #27

Corin Grillo talks about the "fear virus" with DK Brainard - The Naked Songwriter PodcastToday’s Gemini New Moon falls at the midway point of the Great Attractor and the Galactic Center, suggesting a cosmic upgrade in consciousness is on offer.

Psychotherapist, healer, and fearless role model Corin Grillo knows a lot about consciousness – and specifically what it takes to move out of depression, despair and poverty consciousness and into authenticity, pleasure, and bliss.

In this interview, Corin and I talk about the parasitic fear virus that has afflicted humanity for thousands of years and how we can free ourselves from it. We discuss the curious case of “born-again” Doreen Virtue and the cost of refusing to face our shadows. Corin talks about the dead bird that regenerated before her eyes and convinced her that the angels are real. And a whole lot more! Continue reading

Burning Down the House – Uranus in Taurus

When Things Go Boom – The Naked Songwriter Podcast #26

Uranus blows things up. It burns things down. But always with the intent of setting us free to be who we really are. Uranus in Taurus is determined to recreate society so we are free to actually enjoy our lives. In this podcast, I share a talk I did recently on Uranus in Taurus plus thoughts on the Sagittarius Full Moon and Roseanne Barr’s chart.

The fabulous Corin Grillo invited me into her Inner Sanctum group to talk about how this is likely to go down over the next seven years….and what we can do as individuals to benefit from Uranus in Taurus. In the interview I talk about:

  • How Uranus in Taurus is likely to affect us as individuals and as a society
  • What we ‘spiritual people’ tend to get fooled into believing we need to change and what Uranus will truly be trying to blast out of us
  • The upcoming Mars retrograde and long-running Mars-Uranus square
  • And the story of John Varley, the painter who was also an amateur astrologer and was obsessed with understanding Uranus’ astrological influence after its rediscovery in 1781.


PS – I told Varley’s story with a few wrong details He actually stayed home instead of going out that day, because he was absolutely convinced something dangerous was going to happen. Sure enough, his house caught on fire. According to his son Albert,

“He was so delighted at having discovered what the astrological significance of Uranus was, that he sat down while his house was burning, knowing though he did, that he was not insured for a penny, to write an account of his discovery…Although he lost everything in the fire, he regarded that as a small matter compared with his discovery of the new planet’s potential.”

Source: A History of Horoscopic Astrology by James H. Holden


Uranus in Taurus: Radical New Values Around Money & Pleasure

The Naked Songwriter Podcast #025

Experiments in Micro-Economics with Artist/Activist/Yoga Teacher Bear Hebert

bear hebert talking about micro economies and social justice on the naked songwriter podcast May 11, 2018Uranus in Taurus is going to radically reshape our societal values and change how we relate to money, food, and pleasure. The last time Uranus the Awakener transited the sign of Taurus, in the 1930s, a lot of bad stuff happened. Much of it involving money, food security, racial oppression, and the politics of scarcity. Why should this transit (2018-2025) be any different?

I tackle this question with one of my current favorite bloggers and grassroots/futuristic thinkers, Bear Hebert.

Bear teaches yoga in New Orleans. She’s a life coach who specializes in working with post-capitalist entrepreneurs. She runs a theater company. She writes a provocative blog encouraging healers and spiritual people to take action on social justice issues. (Her current life coaching program is titled “No Lazy Cowards”…) Listen to the podcast: Continue reading

When Anything Is Better Than the Same Old Thing

Naked Songwriter Podcast #24: Breaking the Mold

dragon, Roya Pearl

King Duskbreaker, by Roya Pearl.

Sometimes you’ve just got to do something different – anything – to assert your divine right of being who you really are. (And remind yourself that whatever’s getting your goat probably isn’t as do-or-die as the voices in your head are claiming!)

If you want my take on the Scorpio Full Moon, please see the live stream I did about it.


The War on Children

[Podcast] Libra Full Moon Square Mars & Saturn

In the new podcast I look at the two malefics – Mars and Saturn – conjunct in Capricorn and how we can use the intense energy pattern created by Saturday’s Full Moon. And I explore last weekend’s march on Washington in light of the national War on Children. Plus: the current Mercury Retrograde in Aries and questions of mistaken (self-) identity…and some new music. Check it out!

Libra Full Moon - March 31, 2018, 8:37 a.m. EDT, Washington, DC

Libra Full Moon – March 31, 2018, 8:37 a.m. EDT, Washington, DC


The Naked Songwriter podcast currently happens twice a month, timed to the new and full moons. I’m listener-supported, just like public radio, so if you enjoy my unique blend of astrology, music, cultural commentary and inspiration for all of us who are creating rather than consuming, please show your love. Share the pod, support me on Patreon — let’s connect and conquer!

Support DK Brainard on Patreon


Dreaming Our World Into Being

The Pisces New Moon Podcast

children power of imaginationSaturday’s New Moon opens an energetic doorway to reclaim the power of our personal – and collective – imagination.

The New Moon happens in conjunction with Chiron, the wounded healer, just as Chiron is about to end his eight-year stay in Pisces.

Chiron in Pisces activates awareness of our collective, societal wounds. Particularly those involving populations that are not included in the Saturnian power structures of society: women, children, minorities, trans- people, and other groups that exist in the shadow of the patriarchy.

The New Moon also makes a positive trine angle to Jupiter, currently retrograde in Scorpio – indicating that a willingness to encounter and integrate our own psychological shadow is necessary in order for us to escape from the collective “story of the world” and dream a better life for ourselves and for Mother Earth and all of her creatures.

We also look at the paradoxical energy signature at the start of the new astrological year, delve deeper into Jupiter Retrograde, and more.


The Naked Songwriter podcast currently happens twice a month, timed to the new and full moons. I’m listener-supported, just like public radio, so if you enjoy my unique blend of astrology, music, cultural commentary and inspiration for all of us who are creating rather than consuming, please show your love. Share the pod, support me on Patreon — let’s connect and conquer!

Support DK Brainard on Patreon


Ego Trouble: It’s Not What You Think

[Why your bodaciousness is called for now]

DK Brainard driving

The Naked Songwriter Podcast – Episode #21


What the Virgo Full Moon opposition Neptune and Jupiter Retrograde have to say about your ego. Which isn’t what you thought it was. Plus – the USA’s natal chart: more secrets revealed, and why it’s so important not to play small now.

Here’s the excerpt from my newsletter about claiming your greatness.

Here’s a video of us writing a song based on audience suggestions in the middle of Red House (public post on my Patreon blog).

Me and Lupo playing my award-winning song “the blue line” on acoustic guitars under the Full Moon on March 1. (Thanks to Natalie Lupo for the great iPhone video!)


Aquarius Solar Eclipse: Emerging Systems Theory February 15 2018

[Podcast] The February 15 solar eclipse 27 Aquarius: Profound Shifts in Perception

Sensory Rain. Drawing by DK.

Sensory Rain. Detail from colored pencil sketch by DK.

The Aquarius solar eclipse falls in the same degree as the USA’s natal Moon. In this podcast, I explain how the ongoing demoralization of the American people will lead to new social paradigms and threaten the relevance of current social networks such as Facebook. Plus, this ‘super’ eclipse makes a friendly aspect to Aquarius’ ruling planet, Uranus, suggesting the potential for radical innovation as well as sudden upheavals.

And I look at systems theory, the Leo-Aquarius shadow polarities, and read from Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet.


In my article on the Aquarius solar eclipse as emotional pressure gauge, I look at some of the degree symbols for the eclipse chart and explore how your emotional state can enable you to break free of conditioned social roles and underperforming relationships.

The Naked Songwriter podcast currently happens twice a month, timed to the new and full moons. I’m listener-supported, just like public radio, so if you enjoy my unique blend of astrology, music, cultural commentary and inspiration for all of us who are creating rather than consuming, please show your love. Share the pod, support me on Patreon — let’s connect and conquer!

Support DK Brainard on Patreon