Live Looping Guitar Improv into Mr. Fantasy (Traffic Cover)
Hey, check it out. I was rockin’ last night!
If you want to skip to the song proper, it starts around 3:38. But I think the intro is fuckin’ cool, too, so I would just dedicate 13 minutes of your life at some point to watching the whole thing and letting the music wash over you like a warm waterfall of ionized water in a tropical paradise.
Here’s the idea:
1. I’m improvising a soundscape (“Ignition”) while workshop participants are drawing a mandala or designing their heroine/shadow masks or getting comfy on their yoga mats after a break…and then we go into the song.
2. So if you can watch it as if you’re not actually sitting on a chair in a row with other people sitting on chairs, but you’re already in a tranced-out, temporary autonomous zone environment, getting in touch with your inner transformational genius through various cool and fun activities, you’ll get the flavor.
3. I actually did this live Saturday night as a Facebook Live stream. Privacy turned out to be set to ‘Only Me’…I’m still working out the technical details to get the volume levels right, etc. But I wasn’t sure if it was “live” live or private until I finished. So I was playing my ass off, just in case!
4. I’m excited about how good most of it sounds. And a little bummed the vocals managed to be both too low in the mix and distorting at the same time. I think that’s a combination of suboptimal monitoring conditions (using earbuds and not being able to crank my monitors cuz I’m doing it at night while my little boy is asleep upstairs) and having to sing quietly.
But I’ll get that figured out.
Slowly but surely, in a very Saturn-like way, I’m putting it all together!
Thanks a million to my Patrons for supporting me and giving me feedback as I work out the kinks in the hose.
This is definitely music to create by! And the Blue Flash was cool, besides the shades of light moving across your head when you polarized the image. Love it all, DK. <3
Thanks Julie!!
Great to hear and see you, DK. I could zone out to this in a dark, smoky room filled with candles and scents. 🙂
Dean! Thank you, brother. I’m really interested in creating (or attempting to create) droning, trance-inducing, hypnotic music that is comforting to the brain and body. But that also isn’t monochrome like so much ‘meditation music’ – or too exotic/challenging for our Western brains (such as a lot of traditional Indian music – droning, but unfamiliar modes)….anyway, of course you tuned right into the vibe I was going for, so thank you for ‘seeing’ me.