Aligning Your Energy and Desire
The turn of the season is a great time to realign with our intentions. Especially so this year, as the Solstice corresponds with Mars – the planet of action, energy, will and desire – returning to direct motion after being retrograde since March.
Mars retrogrades only happen about every two years. They last for nearly three months and tend to be rather, um, frustrating. But as with all planetary retrogrades, they have a deeper meaning. The purpose of Mars retrogrades is to get us in touch with what we really want out of life.
The period when Mars resumes his normal forward motion is an auspicious time to establish new habits and to consciously redirect your energy towards what you desire more of in your life.
If you think about it, it’s kind of amazing how many months – years, even – you can fantasize and talk about what you want (or about getting rid of what don’t want any more). Everybody has a dream of some kind. But how many people have a dream and act on it every single day?
Look, if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it – living their ideal life. The fact is, there’s a lot of resistance in the world that gets activated when you actually start taking action to break out of the straightjacket of who you’re supposed to be.
- There’s the inner resistance – the saboteur in the psyche who thinks like a scared five-year-old and is “just trying to keep you safe.”
- There’s family – usually the most virulent form of outer resistance. (One of my current coaching clients recently informed me that the original Indo-European root of the word family was a word meaning doom.)
- Your partner may feel threatened and resent you if you suddenly start spending more time doing what you love and focusing on your needs and desires.
- Your kids might make fun of you for believing you can be as old as you are and choose to go for it.
- And there’s the pressure of the Matrix coming through the television and over the Internet and in the newspapers and glossy magazine advertisements, all designed to reinforce the idea that you must desire a better life but that you’re really better off accepting your lot and not trying to rock the boat.
All of which leads to the logical conclusion that, if you’re still determined to carry on with this crazy idea of actually trying to live the life you desire:
You Need Help!
Seriously. We all do, even though it’s not cool to admit it (which is why so many people who really, desperately need help – and lots of it – continue to flail and flounder in the most excruciating ways). They’d rather be a running joke than actually have to admit they can’t fix everything all by their lonesome. (Been there, done that.)
- You need a vision of your destination, or a solid grip on what it feels like when you’re there.
- You need an action plan – what are you going to do each day or each week to move in the direction of your dream?
- You need someone to believe in you (hopefully more than one person, but one will suffice for starters). Without at least one groupie, most of us can’t sustain the effort required to consistently overcome resistance.
- You need accountability – someone who will firmly but gently nudge you out of fantasy-world and back into the habit of taking daily action towards your dream.
- (Last, but definitely not least) You probably need permission to want what you most deeply desire.
That last one may look crazy at first blush but ask any of the dozens of people who have participated in my soul work groups: there is an amazing power in hearing, out loud, from another human being that you have permission to pursue your vision.
I Can Help
(Just to be clear, I’m not saying you need my help in particular. Help comes in many forms when we are willing to ask for it. However, I will own up to the fact that I’m very good at helping.)
I took a break from doing personal coaching packages for a while but after starting up again in June, I have to say I’m loving it. And my clients are loving it too – see the Client Quotes below!
If you don’t know me, you can read more about the tools I bring to our sessions on my Personal Coaching page.
Or you can take the plunge with one of the packages below. Because I also do freelance writing, I can only accommodate a certain number of clients in July and August. So if you’re ready and you know it, let’s get started.
And please feel free to call, text or email me if you have questions.
Includes: Your chart offers a clear blueprint of what you’re meant to achieve in this life, so if you’ve never worked with me before, I prefer to start start with a one-hour astrology session to identify your evolutionary goals, gifts and core challenges. Then three coaching sessions (up to 90 minutes each). Includes MP3 recordings of all sessions + email support.
Session length: 60-90 minutes
Price: $699 $550. Click on the Buy Now button to pay with credit or debit card or PayPal.
Includes: Three coaching sessions (up to 90 minutes each), MP3 recordings of all sessions + email support.
Session length: 60-90 minutes
Price: $499 $400. Click on the Buy Now button to pay with credit or debit card or PayPal.
“Wow, wow and wow. Totally amazing session, again, that totally blew my mind!!! Thank you so much! I can’t get over the alter-ego connection that you helped me see… that was massively HUGE for some reason and really helped me get a major piece of the puzzle. Wow. After we spoke I had an amazing body work session with a wonderful PT who works at the studio. It was perfect timing that I got worked on right after our session… all that release had me so relaxed for the first time in a really, really, really long time that slept for 14 hours on Thursday night! It was heavenly lol. It’s still with me…last night I got about 9 hours sleep and today I actually have some energy, again for the first time in ages.
I just wanted to say, in case you aren’t sure, you are really, really good at what you do. Don’t forget that!” – S.F. in NYC
“I recently hired DK for a 6-week coaching program as I was preparing to launch an online program. He was critical in helping me meet my deadlines, providing gentle but focused accountability. His unique skills in astrology, running his own business, technical experience with things such as video, conference calls, and audio recordings – as well as his empathy and skills as a channel – make him the perfect coach for me. I’ve hired him routinely over the past five years; he is consistently one of the best investments I make in both myself and my business. He’s down to earth, no bullshit and funny to boot. Highest recommendation.” – Julie Apolinario,
“Working with DK is like opening a present. It is something for you and what’s inside is a nice surprise. Every time I have a session with DK, I start with a goal or intention for the session. In the end, I learn something new or unexpected.” – Caytie, Minneapolis