Mercury Retrograde, Saturn Enters Capricorn, and Deep Space Astrology in December 2017

Fermi Giant Bubble Galactic Center

Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in Our Galaxy, NASA.

Seeing the Big Picture

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – Jesus, voicing the core energetic of Sagittarius

December brings a rare confluence of astrological alignments that can liberate us from the false narratives that have entrapped us, and empower us to author the life stories we deserve to live.

In this post, I’ll look at Saturn’s shift out of Sagittarius and into his home sign of Capricorn¹. I’ll explain why this Mercury Retrograde is one you don’t want to ignore. And I’ll look at how the Galactic Center and Great Attractor – two supermassive black holes / gamma ray transmitters located in alignment with Sagittarius – are conspiring with the planets to liberate us this month.

Mercury Retrograde Conjunct Saturn and the Galactic Center

Mercury is the archetype of the mind. Mercury retrograde periods always introduce mental discontinuity. By disrupting our habitual thought processes, the Trickster forces us to see things from a different vantage point. This is frustrating and sometimes painful, but it gives us the opportunity to correct faulty habits of mind that have taken hold in the area of life symbolized by the signs and houses activated by the Mercury retrograde.

Because the December 2017 Mercury retrograde began with Mercury in a tight conjunction with Saturn, this retrograde will carry a Saturnian vibe. Positively, this can help us review the progress we’ve made while Saturn was in Sagittarius and mentally prepare ourselves to meet the challenges and opportunities of Saturn in Capricorn from 2018-2020. Continue reading

The Relationship Between Money and Energy

What I Did With the Total Solar Eclipse, Part 2

Read Part 1 here

Cactus flowering in a ditch.

Cactus flowering in a ditch. Photo by DK.

You might have guessed that She isn’t my wife. But She isn’t really my mom, either. Although both of them have played that role for me, She is really a phantasm.

Dictionary definitions of phantasm include:

  • a creation of the imagination or fancy; fantasy;
  • a mental image or representation of a real object;
  • an illusory likeness of something. (

She is a an illusory likeness, a mental image created – by my inner child, one could say  – of the wound in my soul that compels me to treat others’ emotions and needs as primary, and my own as secondary.

Now, it appears to be true that I learned this behavior from my mother first in this lifetime. But I know that my mom and I have a soul contract about abandonment and self-abandonment dating back at least several hundred years to a lifetime in Tibet. Continue reading