Personal Mastery Coaching 2022

It Really Feels Like Now or Never

This could be the greatest moment ever known in the annals of the realm. If you show up for it.

This could be the triumph of Beauty and Truth and Good over the armies of ignorance and fear and self-hatred. If you show up for it.

This could be the moment when you take back your inner authority and rediscover the spirit of adventure and wild imagination and fierce play that is the essence of who you really are.  Continue reading

Can You Handle the Truth? – Sagittarius Full Moon May 29 2018

Questioning the self-shaming inner voice

The Book of Spells - recognizing the self-shaming inner voices in the head are not yours!

One of the most valuable habits I’ve developed from the Book of Spells webinars is questioning the self-shaming inner voice statements I hear myself saying (or thinking).

Listen to these statements:

  • “I’m still beating myself up for that.”
  • “I wanted to play my guitar but I kept sabotaging myself.”
  • “Every time I get ready to ______, I just ‘should’ on myself. I stop myself in my tracks.”

Chances are you say the same or similar things – out loud or in your head – fairly often. But are these true statements?

Sagittarius tells us that if we know the truth, the truth will set us free.

The current 18-month period of eclipses in Leo-Aquarius aims to awaken us to our inner divinity. Since the nodes are the ‘trigger points’ for eclipses, the trine between today’s Sagittarius Full Moon and the North Node in Leo signals a creative opportunity to take another step in your own awakening. Continue reading

The Real You, Hiding in the Shadows

Who you think you are is probably not who you really are…

by Safiya

I’ve been crocheting a lot lately. It’s like a meditation, the repetitive back and forth, seemingly never ending rows growing and forming, something taking shape from nothing. It’s a miracle to turn a ball of string into a piece of fabric, a fabric that is basically holes held together with knots of yarn.

I just made a curtain. I’m in love with it! I fall in love with everything I make. I can’t believe I’m able to do it and I fall in love so often that I’m overrun with stuff I’ve made.   This is the making of a great modern fairy tale:  the girl who fell in love with everything she makes and ends up surrounded by her handiwork and unable to leave her home, only to be rescued by a handsome prince who arrives on a white horse clutching  a pair of scissors to cut her out of her predicament.

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Astrology of #Me Too: Black Moon Lilith & the Galactic Center

Sex, Lies and Story: Harvey Weinstein and the #MeToo Phenomenon

A black leopard under the full moon - symbol for the Oct. 19 Libra New Moon.

A black leopard under the full moon – symbol for the Oct. 19 Libra New Moon.

If you’ve heard me talking about Black Moon Lilith and have been wondering who she is and what she means, look no further. The amazing outpouring of women’s stories on social media following the news about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct paint an amazing portrait of Black Moon Lilith in conjunction with the Galactic Center. 

Black Moon Lilith & the Healing Power of Anger

Black Moon Lilith (BML) is the astrological archetype that symbolizes the healthy anger that is the appropriate response to abuse of women, and of the feminine principle in life.

When Black Moon Lilith activates a natal planet, especially by conjunction, she creates an intense internal pressure to recognize and express the anger we should have been able to feel and express at times when we were violated by others who were bigger, stronger, more powerful, or simply had the weight of authority on their side. Continue reading

Finding Another Way to Live

Soul-Sick Nation

tiny flower in hand

Photo by DK.

“In the silence that his life now is, let a community of care remember him by taking care of the living and building an alternative to what contributed to his degradation and destruction. There is no other world. There is just another way to live.” – Brother Michael

I can’t remember a time when suicide seemed so popular.

I know so many good people who are seriously bummed out right now. They look at the hate being spewed on the Internet and on the TV talk shows, at the violence being perpetrated on minorities, women, children, the LGBT community, and condoned by their fellow citizens.

And they feel despair. They feel the whole thing is hopeless. Continue reading