Emotional Rescue

We Can Heal Anything

I’ve got a new MP3 audio up on my Cosmic Fire shop. It’s called Emotional Rescue. In it, I walk you through a five-step process I developed over years of helping clients to step out of their “trauma trance” and back into the present moment and back into their bodies.

emotional rescue - process for healing traumaWe are living through a traumatic moment. I would even argue that much of what is being broadcast to our phones and mobile devices daily is information presented with the intent to trigger childhood trauma and even collective trauma that most people aren’t aware of holding deep inside their unconscious.

Once you’ve done it a few times and gotten the feel of how to work with it, you can complete this five-step process in 5-10 minutes (sometimes less) and go from feeling anxious, ungrounded, confused, enraged, fatigued, or even hopeless to feeling more resourced and empowered.

It’s not a miracle cure, although it can feel miraculous at times. It’s really a way of seeing your life and experience that cuts through a lot of programming and puts you back in your center as your adult, resourced self. It’s 19 minutes long and I’m offering it for a donation of just $5.

I honestly don’t know how to put a monetary value on this. It’s a distillation of some of my personal mastery teachings that is easy to learn and simple to do – and I feel like good people need these sorts of “rescue remedies” of the mind now more than ever.

Get the Emotional Rescue MP3 here


Five Ways to Feel Better Fast in Dark Times

Feeling Down? Anxious? Overwhelmed?

Get Your Mojo working with These Road-Tested Consciousness Hacks & Feel Better in 10 Minutes or Less

Five ways to feel better fast in dark timesThe collective angst sure can feel overwhelming these days.

The astrology feels dark and heavy.

You’ve had it up to here with racist, sexist narcissists spouting off in the press, on the campaign trail, and on the Internet.

Maybe you feel like you’re surrounded by the walking dead. Your (insert older relative here) no longer has thoughts of his own. Everything he says to you on the phone is a verbatim quote from either FOX News or Breitbart.

Your partner is in the fetal position on her yoga mat, sobbing silently. You’re afraid she may be emotionally bleeding out for the last time.

Some days you wake up and the first thing you feel is (fear, anxiety, grief, a sense of creeping dread).

OK, so your details may vary, but if you’ve been feeling like you can’t take any more for far too long…

Don’t give in to the collective despair!

The astrology of 2018, even more than the last several years, seems designed to force us to do what we’ve all been trained to avoid doing, at almost any cost. And that is:

Feel our feelings so they can move through us and set us free.

The five consciousness hacks below are distilled from 10+ years of using hypnosis, shamanic journeying, archetypal astrology, and meditation to help people move through their deepest fears and let go of crippling shame. (And to move through my own stuff, of course!)

I can’t promise you that you’ll be able to let go of a lifetime’s worth of repressed anger in one sitting. But I can say with confidence that these five consciousness hacks you can do in 10 minutes or less will break you free from your trauma trance and reconnect you to your powerful, creative Essential Self.

Best of all – you can do any of them in 10 minutes or less. Continue reading