Can You Handle the Truth? – Sagittarius Full Moon May 29 2018

Questioning the self-shaming inner voice

The Book of Spells - recognizing the self-shaming inner voices in the head are not yours!

One of the most valuable habits I’ve developed from the Book of Spells webinars is questioning the self-shaming inner voice statements I hear myself saying (or thinking).

Listen to these statements:

  • “I’m still beating myself up for that.”
  • “I wanted to play my guitar but I kept sabotaging myself.”
  • “Every time I get ready to ______, I just ‘should’ on myself. I stop myself in my tracks.”

Chances are you say the same or similar things – out loud or in your head – fairly often. But are these true statements?

Sagittarius tells us that if we know the truth, the truth will set us free.

The current 18-month period of eclipses in Leo-Aquarius aims to awaken us to our inner divinity. Since the nodes are the ‘trigger points’ for eclipses, the trine between today’s Sagittarius Full Moon and the North Node in Leo signals a creative opportunity to take another step in your own awakening. Continue reading