The Naked Songwriter Podcast – Episode #31: The End of Scarcity
Why the end of scarcity on Planet Earth can happen within 5-10 years and what you can do to make that a reality.
We all know that imagination is stronger than willpower and that, among the mental powers, only imagination is capable of creating new forms and experiences. So why do we continue to focus on the list of problems and obstacles we supposedly must overcome to get what we want? Why don’t we focus instead on the list that holds our heart’s desires?
Why would our governments lie about free energy and alien technologies? Why would we consider bringing about the end of scarcity in our lifetimes such a crazy idea that we — the artists, visionaries, meditators, yogis, and healers — don’t even discuss it?
I discovered intriguing answers to these questions in two strangely resonant mythologies: the ancient Native American ‘bird tribes’ and the modern phenomenon of UFOs and an alien-influenced shadow government. Continue reading