Unraveling the Dark Matrix: Venus, Saturn & the Galactic Center

galactic center

The Galactic Center. Photo by NASA.

A Stream of Source EnergY Piercing the Veil of Illusion

The astrological weather in the next few days promises unusual levels of chaos. Most of us aren’t cheered to hear that a line of storms could be marching over the horizon. But what if you were a prisoner waiting for the ideal moment to spring yourself from jail? You might welcome physical weather akin to the astrology of the coming days.

First, the astrology of the next three days:

The Astrological Energy Systems in Play: April 6-10

If you want the technical astro-details, jump down to here and then come back. If you’re cool with a summary, read on.

  • Saturn stationed retrograde yesterday (April 6) in the same degree as the Galactic Center – the Great Central Sun or Source of consciousness in our galaxy. Saturn will remain in this degree for the next month. Venus, currently retrograde but exalted in the sign of Pisces, is aligned in a very close square angle to both Saturn and the G.C. and will remain in this angle through April 23.
  • Mercury stations retrograde on the Chiron Point (4 Taurus) on Monday, April 9 – we are already feeling the effects this weekend.
  • Monday night’s Libra Full Moon (Tuesday, April 10 at 1:07 am EDT) features the Moon conjunct Jupiter opposite the Sun conjunct Uranus and Eris – all square Pluto in Capricorn.

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