The War on Children

[Podcast] Libra Full Moon Square Mars & Saturn

In the new podcast I look at the two malefics – Mars and Saturn – conjunct in Capricorn and how we can use the intense energy pattern created by Saturday’s Full Moon. And I explore last weekend’s march on Washington in light of the national War on Children. Plus: the current Mercury Retrograde in Aries and questions of mistaken (self-) identity…and some new music. Check it out!

Libra Full Moon - March 31, 2018, 8:37 a.m. EDT, Washington, DC

Libra Full Moon – March 31, 2018, 8:37 a.m. EDT, Washington, DC


The Naked Songwriter podcast currently happens twice a month, timed to the new and full moons. I’m listener-supported, just like public radio, so if you enjoy my unique blend of astrology, music, cultural commentary and inspiration for all of us who are creating rather than consuming, please show your love. Share the pod, support me on Patreon — let’s connect and conquer!

Support DK Brainard on Patreon


New Redeemer / Tribe of Dreamers

Naked Songwriter Podcast: Aries New Moon, False Flag AlerT, UnFreeze! Matrix mind control program is on full blast. The Aries New Moon, Libra Full Moon, false flags and mass hypnosis…

You are the One the world has been waiting for. Time to fight your way out of the Matrix’s wet paper sack and stand for what you want.