Claim Your Greatness

Beyond the Ego – This Is No Time for Playing Small

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why it’s important for those of us who are on the leading edge of human social evolution to claim our greatness. I think so many of us who are healers and artists have been outcasts from mainstream society for so long that we’ve developed some bad habits.

New webinar starts March 25!

Even as kids, many of us sensed that the others didn’t quite understand us. We often faced outright rejection and abuse from parents, peers, and partners because of our unwillingness (or inability) to be like the others – to be who we were supposed to be.

“When are you going to stop (playing your guitar, drawing, writing stories, doing yoga, talking about that woo-woo shit)?” They’d ask, in a tone that made sure you knew that your passion was not only not going to make you enough money to live, but was also inherently shameful and embarrassing.

“Why do you have to be so weird?” Continue reading

Astrology of #Me Too: Black Moon Lilith & the Galactic Center

Sex, Lies and Story: Harvey Weinstein and the #MeToo Phenomenon

A black leopard under the full moon - symbol for the Oct. 19 Libra New Moon.

A black leopard under the full moon – symbol for the Oct. 19 Libra New Moon.

If you’ve heard me talking about Black Moon Lilith and have been wondering who she is and what she means, look no further. The amazing outpouring of women’s stories on social media following the news about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct paint an amazing portrait of Black Moon Lilith in conjunction with the Galactic Center. 

Black Moon Lilith & the Healing Power of Anger

Black Moon Lilith (BML) is the astrological archetype that symbolizes the healthy anger that is the appropriate response to abuse of women, and of the feminine principle in life.

When Black Moon Lilith activates a natal planet, especially by conjunction, she creates an intense internal pressure to recognize and express the anger we should have been able to feel and express at times when we were violated by others who were bigger, stronger, more powerful, or simply had the weight of authority on their side. Continue reading

I Say Yes

painted fire hydrant woods

In case of emergency, release the flow.

Yes, I am feeling the waves of pain and fear and distress. And yes, I am also feeling the Muse or Mother Earth or Great Spirit or my eternal soul and essence or all of the above welling within me as a great resolve.

I long to be of service; I feel how much the world needs me (us). The world asks me if I will step up right now — when the chips are down and we appear to be drastically outnumbered and completely surrounded — and boldly claim that it is our destiny to win. And that we are in fact winning even now, because we have made a firm decision to band together and rewrite the story of our lives, which is the story of the world.

Because we are finally harnessing our native powers of will and desire and intent and imagination and we are using them to rewrite reality. With art and community and pleasure and love — enjoying ourselves as it was meant to be in the beginning and as it must be in the end.

And I say, yes, I will. For the healing of Mother Earth and all her children.

Angels stand round my spirit. And round yours.

kronos vs kairos time

The Nature of Time, Post-2012

kairos time

A moment in the life of my driveway, after the rain. Photo by DK.

As I’ve mentioned on a couple occasions, we are experiencing time differently in the post-2012 era. A key catalyst behind my choice to stop writing and recording monthly horoscopes was the realization that most people would continue to read them as prophetic or oracular.

In an interview in The Mountain Astrologer, Laurence Hillman (astrologer, son of James) noted that the ancient Greeks had two different words for time: kronos (Saturnian time or what we might now call ‘clock time’) and kairos, which is the experience of the quality of the moment. Astrology, Hillman said, is a way of tuning into the quality of the moment that allows us to discern which archetypes want our attention now.

As our experience of time becomes more kairotic and less kronological, we are beginning to realize that everything can change at any moment, to the extent we are able to truly believe that to be the case. When we read a horoscope to find out what is going to happen in the future, we’re operating (perhaps unconsciously) from a kronos mindset. If we then give our internal agreement to any limitations (another good Saturn word) expressed in the horoscope, we are essentially limiting what can happen. Continue reading

Authority Issues

Mars Opposition Saturn: Challenging Authority

Monday’s exact opposition of Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Sagittarius is activating our authority issues. How this transit can energize you to rewrite your life story…

Mars is the action planet. He heats up whatever he touches, inflaming passions, escalating aggression and anger, urging us to move. Saturn is the authority, the judge, the guardian of the status quo. He is cold, impassive, objective, heavy.

It’s probably worth noting that the word authority contains – and comes from the same Latin root as – the word author. The Latin auctor includes the meanings: “promoter, producer, father, progenitor; builder, founder; trustworthy writer, authority; historian; performer, doer; responsible person, teacher,” literally “one who causes to grow”. (Online Etymology Dictionary) Continue reading

The Hidden Meaning of ‘Speak Truth to Power’

women collective story

Choose your own adventure by chiaralily on flickr.

Power vs. Force and the Roots of Anger

I don’t know why the statement “We need to speak truth to power” popped into my head last week. But it wouldn’t stop rattling around in the old noggin so I asked myself, “What does it mean to speak truth to power?”

I did a little research and apparently the phrase first appeared in a book published by the Quakers (Society of Friends) in 1955, although it is also attributed to Civil Rights leader Bayard Rustin.

I have a lot of respect for the Quakers. My great-grandmother was a Quaker in Indiana. I dig their whole non-hierarchical, non-violent thing. And I have a ton of respect for those who risked their lives during the Civil Rights movement to try to win equal status for African-Americans in our society.

This slogan may have been perfect for the collective consciousness in 1955. But its hidden meaning is actually profoundly disempowering in our time.¹ Continue reading

The Taboo Against (Healthy) Pleasure

Why the Revolution Starts With You

life is art

“Life is grim.”

That was one of my late grandfather’s stock responses to my mother when my mom was a child and couldn’t have or do something she wanted.

His other chestnut was a paraphrase of one of Jesus’ sayings in the Sermon on the Mount: “Into each life some rain must fall.”

We all heard things like this when we were kids. Often delivered either in a tone of mocking humor that demonstrated – consciously or not – the parent’s contempt for our desires. Or laced with enough anger to shut us up and back us down. Continue reading